
Monday, November 5, 2018

Does battery saver app actually work? Battery saver tips that actually work?

Does battery saver app actually work? Battery saver tips that actually work?

What is a battery saver?

Battery saver is an application that is designed to save android phone battery and optimize it.

Battery Saver software has also increased the phone performance. But actually not works. It consumes the phone battery and reduces the phone performance.

Here I am going to fully explain why battery saver applications are not working, it reduces the phone performance and consumed more battery by your android phone.

What does the battery saver mode do?

The battery saver mode is an instruction that asks the operating system to use power only in important tasks in the device. When the battery saver mode is on then only particular task is done, another secondary task is fully to stop by the operating system.

By using this setting you can increase the battery life of the device but it will decrease the performance. It's usually used when the battery is a low charge.

On the phone when the battery percentage is equal or less than 15% than the system ask you to turn on the battery saver mode.

In one sentanse you can say that battery saver mode is an instruction that increases the battery life but decreases the performance.

Do battery saver application really work available at play store? Does the battery save app actually save phone battery?

The answer is no! Here is why it's can't save the phone battery.

First, you have to understand how battery saver actually works. When you know how the battery saver work then you will the find the reasons why it not works.

When you open any application in your Android phone the operating system automatically creates cache memory which speeds up the application loading or opening time.

You can see that when you open any application in your phone for the first time then the loading speed is much more when you open it for the second time or later. It's due to cache memory that generates by your phone operating system.

After creating the cache memory it takes much lower time to load an application in your phone. So cache memory is very important for the Android operating system or another operating system for fast loading.

Now what the battery saver is done by your battery saver app

Battery saver is doing a simple work is to clean the cache memory. For the first time, it looks the battery saver is working but after some time it again in the same condition, the phone is again slow down.

The Android Operating system again needs to create the cache memory which consumes more battery than without a battery saver application.

Is battery saver are safe?

The answer is yes! The battery saver is safe. But it can slowly decrease the phone performance because when you use it. Because of it cleans the very important memory in the phone called cache memory.

If you are going to use any battery saver on your android then there is an effect on your phone performance. Because when you using it your processor is really going to do hard work in generating of cache memory more and more, again and again, which increases the battery consumption.

Do battery saver works on iPhone?

The answer is no. Battery saver app actually not saving the iPhone battery. After boosting your phone battery in battery saver app it looks like the battery is saving but not actually.

Your iPhone operating system IOS is designed for automatically save and optimize the battery and how to manage your phone. So you not required any battery saver application in your iPhone.

 The battery saver tips that actually work

You have to know it that your android phone Operating System is designed for automatically save the phone battery and how to optimize it. So you have to don't worry about your phone battery saving.

But due to some mistakes, the phone battery is draining fast. Which you think that these tips save your phone batty but actually its consumes more battery.

If you have question how you can stop your battery draining fast then here I am going to gives you the tips that actually work for saving your phone battery.

1. Use back/exist icon to back from any application if you want to close it.

By using the back/exist in your phone the phone understand it that you want to close that application. It's the best way because the cache memory is also saved and when you want to open the application again it loading time is less as compared to closed by minimizing. So it helps to save your phone battery.

2. Stop using minimize and close phone application.

If you doing this then it's one of the main reason why your phone battery is draining fast. By doing this the cache memory is also deleted with the app closing. When you again open the application the phone operating system is again going to generate the cache memory, so it consumes more battery of your phone.

3. Not to use the phone booster or phone cleaner application.

The phone booster or cleaner app doing the same thing as a battery saver application. It cleaned the cache memory and slow down the processor speed. So never use any cleaner or phone booster application. Your Android phone is to know how to use the phone memory and Ram(random access memory).

4. Stop using the phone when your phone is overheated while using.

The phone normal temperature is around 37-43 degrees Celsius. When you feel it that your phone is overheated then stop using and take a time to cool down your phone. When your phone is overheated the phone hardware consumes more battery, because of when your phone is heated the internal resistance is increased and your phone is going to consume more power than usual it can take.

5. Use flight mode when you are traveling for long distances or in a very poor network area.

Flight Mode is one of the best methods of saving Android phone battery. When the phone network is not required or don't have any important call than use the flight mode. Your network connection consumes a lot of power you saw that when you are using the internet in your phone the battery is draining faster because it requires a more good network connection than usual.

You can see that when you are traveling for long distance the battery is drawing fast because of the fluctuating of the network. In some place, the network is good but in some place it is bad. While there is no network the phone network system is still finding for the network so it going to consume more power. The same thing happens when you are in low network place.

6. Delete/Uninstall the unwanted app from your phone.

There is a lot of application on our phone which is unuseful to us. The unwanted apps are consuming the ram of your phone also it's going to consume the battery. So when you delete or uninstall the unwanted apps from your phone the ram is cleaned and it will save your phone battery.

7. Set less display brightness.

The phone display consumes more power than anyone hardware in your phone. When you go to your battery uses details in the settings application than you will able to see that the maximum power is consumed by your phone display or screen. So set the minimum brightness in which you can use your phone properly.

8. Select the best processor phone.

The processor is one of the main factors of proper management of battery uses. Select the best processor phone in your budget range phone.

I recommend you to use the newer processor because they are more advanced build quality.

9. Use the battery saver setting while you not using your phone.

A battery saver setting is coming with the operating system turn on it while you not using your phone. It will reduce the battery consumption of the phone.

But don't use this setting when you are using your phone. Because when you use your phone when it is turned ON then your phone consumes more power.

The system battery saver closes the app when you minimize it. When you using your android phone you are going to use multiple apps. If you are using your phone by turning on the battery saver then it going to automatically close and cleaning the cache data. So it will increase the loading time of application and consume more battery.


Finally, I think that you now understand that how battery saver actually works.

Never download any battery saver application it will consume your phone ram and also the battery.

Your android phone operating system is designed for how to use the phone battery properly, it does not require any battery saver application to save or manage the battery.

After a year of using your phone, the battery capacity is slightly decreasing about 10-20%. So if your phone battery is draining fast than is normal because of the life of your battery is decreasing. A battery saver cannot boost your phone battery but it can consume useful power from your phone.

The battery saver is in your hand. Use the phone in the proper way then you can save lots of useful power of phone battery.